
A space to share my thoughts & opinions, find out more about me here!
2 months ago


I've just returned from a few weeks in the USA, we spent most of our time in Austin, Texas. This was a working trip, spending most mornings catching up on things in the UK, working on Be Your Own Coach strategy and then afternoons sampling what this great place had to offer. 

4 months ago

Advice Is Everywhere

Today you can find advice everywhere, it doesn't matter if you asked for it or not and advice is a tame word for what it is, ideological, binary and often extremely black and white. 

5 months ago

Goodbye Apple...

I've been in the Apple Ecosystem for about 15 years, you could say I was the definition of fan, I had the MacBook Pro, Watch, iMac, iPhone, iPad Pro, if it had the Apple logo on it, I had it and each release, I'd upgrade and each OS release I'd be up to date with the latest changes. 

5 months ago

(Re) Hello World

Often when developers start out in a new programming language or framework the first application they produce is 'Hello World', it's a simple but effective way of demonstrating basic syntax and a normal first step. So, Re-Hello World is an apt name for this post!